February Animals
February was really cold and delayed some ordering for us due to unsafe shipping conditions.
Here's what's new!
Pancake Tortoise

Red Foot Tortoises
100% Red Monster Bearded Dragons

Afghan Leopard Gecko

Iran Leopard Gecko, Female (MASSIVE)

Black Night Leopard Gecko

Bynoe's Geckos, Parthenogenic

Electric Blue Day Geckos, Males
Avicularia Avicularia, Pink Toe Tarantula
Dart Frogs:
Allobates zaparo
D. leucomelas - Orange Banded, Yellow Banded
D. tinctortius - Dwarf French Guyana (sold out)
R. sirensis - Orange

Ranitomeya sirensis - Pachitea Yellow (sold out)
Drop a comment if you read these!